Habit Stacking for Finance

Some of the creators (bloggers as I’ve mostly gotten off social media personally) have recently begun starting or trying to start new routines in their lives. Many are for health benefits, some for work schedules, and I had the idea that

Paid in Full – Personal Loan #1

Woot, woot! As of this morning, my Personal Loan #1 has been PAID IN FULL! It would have been completed yesterday, but there are send limits with Zelle so I had to split up the payments I was making between different days. Boy this feels

Warranty Extension on my Hearing Aids?

I’ve had my hearing aids for 3 years this month. And I just received notice that my full coverage warranty will expire at the end of the month along with an offer to renew the warranty. In the past, I’ve always declined extended warranty

Mental Work to Do

I saw a complaint about me not responding to comments. I apologize for that. Between my two jobs, I am staying really, really busy (not a complaint, just facts.)  I’m in bed early every night and up before the sun to go again. However, I do

Utilizing Social Media to Reach Your Target Audience

Utilizing social media has become indispensable for businesses looking to connect with their target audience, build brand awareness, and drive engagement. To leverage social media effectively, it’s essential to follow best practices that