What Business Owners Should Know About Filing for Bankruptcy

If you are a business owner and your business is struggling financially, you may have no choice but to declare bankruptcy. This can be a devastating choice for you, but when your debts become too overwhelming, you may want to find a way to

(Pre)Teen Birthdays

My twin girls just turned 12 and we had what may be the most low-key, relaxed birthday to date. And I love it so much! But let me back up a bit. Birthdays of yesteryear…. As far as birthdays go, we’ve never been huge, extravagant birthday

Saving Money on Dog Food

I’ve removed social media from my phone. I found myself just spending way to much time scrolling. And I have plenty of other things to do around here. But I’m still on it 3-4 times a week for work. And it was during this time, I saw an

Making sure Princess Senior Year is Covered

I’m sure many of the BAD followers slapped their foreheads and cringed when they read that I had prioritized helping Princess with her senior year of college. I know, I know. But I have too. I have to help her. A little back story When

Hope’s Debt Update – June, 2024

Boy, lifestyle creep is a real thing. But I am recognizing my proclivity to become more relaxed with my finances as I get more and more caught up. And I am NOT going to let up. This time last year, we were making it on less than $2,000 per

The Cost of Living in a City

I spent a full day last week apartment shopping with Princess. Holy Cow! It’s absolutely crazy the cost of rentals. From heart of the city in Atlanta to suburbs 20-30 miles out of the city, there were little to no options under $1,500 per

Summer Plans

On the island of Capri I remember teaching a night class at a community college while I was still a graduate student finishing up my PhD over a decade ago. This class was full of working adults – a room full of post-traditional learners,

Then there were 3

My dogs… Well, they’ve been a constant bone of contention both here on BAD and in my real life. And I can openly admit that I’ve taken the “rescuing” too far. We are not going to dive into the psychology of that statement here, but know

No Self Control – Have to Do Something Different

I failed last month. And I’ve failed even more this month. I was so, so close to paying off my Amazon CC. And then I maxed it out again. I’ve got to do something different. I had my Amazon CC down to $750 last month, had paid off half of

Let the Summer of Focus Begin

The coming months stretch out before me – no adventures planned. A focus on work, my home, and my finances. All the kids have stable work, chasing their dreams. Two of the dogs should be moving in with different kids next month, taking me