Hope’s December Debt Update

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I am excited to share that with the exception of one credit card, I am up to date with all payments. It took some doing, but I’ve got a plan for Christmas, thanks for all the suggestions. I will share it after the holiday just in case my kids are tracking here.

So without further ado, here is how my debt stands currently:

Debt DescriptionOctober, 2023 TotalInterest RateMinimum PaymentPaid This MonthCurrent Total

Personal Loan #1$2,5000%6 months to pay $2,500

Personal Loan #2$2,5000%6 months to pay$2,500

CC – AMEX$89429.24%$93$100$916

CC – Wander$1,63029.24%$124$1,899

CC – USAA$5,00019.15%$135$200$5,072

CC – Amazon$1,49729.99%$53$53$1,495

CC – Sams$1,106*29.99%*$40$39

CC – Frontier$3,85729.99%$338$170$3,788

Car Loan$19,58112.69%$500$563$17,922

Student Loans$22,1212.875%$306Deferred until Dec, 2023$22,186

CC – Apple**$500$500$421


Student Loans

My student loan payments were slated to resume this month, but I have applied for an income based repayment schedule based on my steady income and anticipate that will be approved. Just a waiting game for right now.

Part Time Fast Food Job

While I have officially accepted the new part time job, it’s going to be a slow start. They are figuring out how to onboard me, etc. and so I don’t believe I will be hitting the goal hours every week for at least another month-ish. But again, just a waiting game to see how it plays out and then ramps up. Grateful to have it though.

Going forward, I will refer to this job as my Coordinator job vs my Accounting job.

Part Time Contract Job

My contracted work should wrap up for the most part by the first or second week of January. That’s the work that will cover bills through January. I am hoping I will be able to negotiate some on-going work, even if it’s just a few hours a week. It has been a really fun and challenging project. I implemented a new POS system for their two locations – Commerce7, implemented and integrated a new inventory and production software with their production site – EKOS, and am currently finalizing their new website that integrates both with Commerce 7 and VinoShipper. In doing all this, I wrote new SOPs, replaced two other software applications that were using, got to choose and set up all new hardware, and learned a whole lot about wine making.

Praying I can get more projects like this as I have really enjoyed it. Know anyone who needs some help with their tech stack?

The post Hope’s December Debt Update appeared first on Blogging Away Debt.

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